Chairmen Of The Board - Songs


Chairmen Of The Board (a.k.a. Chairman Of The Board) are a veteran R&B/soul group that became famous during the early 1970s. Formed in Detroit, Michigan in 1969, the original lineup consisted of Eddie Custis, Harrison Kennedy, Danny Woods (March 27, 1942- January 12, 2018), and group founder/lead singer General Norman Johnson (May 23, 1941 - October 13, 2010). Their best known songs include the imploring "Give Me Just A Little More Time" (1970) and the Johnson-penned "Pay To The Piper" (1970).

Chairmen Of The Board have continued to perform and record to the present day, with a number of personnel changes along the way. A longtime favorite of the Carolina beach music circuit, they were inducted into the North Carolina Music Hall of Fame in 1999. General Johnson, who inherited his unusual first name from his father, also formed and led The Showmen (of "It Will Stand" and "39-21-40 Shape" fame), another classic oldies act popular with the beach music crowd. Johnson was a prolific songwriter whose works included the Grammy-winning "Patches" as made famous by Clarence Carter.




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Chairman Of The Board

Chairmen Of The Board

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